
RadSearch Measurements for the Quantification of Cesium and Cobalt in Legacy Sodium Loop Section Waste

Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, July 20–24 2014

Richard Creed, Marc R. Looman, John A. Mason, Gary L. Lusk and Mark Sherick


Design and Testing of a Combined Neutron and Gamma Assay System for Measuring Fissile Material in Fuel and Waste Items

Waste Management 2015 Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, March 15-19 2015

Kevin J. Burke, Darius Ancius, Asam Chaudry, Richard D. Gunn, Marc R. Looman, David J. Maina, John A. Mason, Douglas Paton, Antony C. N. Towner and Graeme H. Wood


Combined Calorimetry, Neutron Coincidence Counting and Gamma Spectroscopy System (CANEGA) for Enhanced Plutonium Mass and Isotopic Assay

Symposium on International Safeguards: Addressing Verification Challenges, Vienna, Austria, October 2006

S. Abousahl, H. Ottmar, P. van Belle, Th. van Vuure, K. Burke, J. Mason, A. Tolchard, A. Towner,


G3700-B25 Waste Segregation Gamma Box Scanner Technical Note

ANTECH G3700-B25 Waste Segregation Gamma Box Scanner or "Box Counter" Technical Note


EMBASSY Technical Note

ANTECH Excavator Mounted Bucket Assay System (EMBASSY) Technical Note


Automated Gamma Spectroscopy System (AGSS) Technical Note

Technical Note for the ANTECH Model G3010 Automated Gamma Spectroscopy System (AGSS), or "Sample Changer"


G3250 Series Wide Range Segmented Gamma Scanner Data Sheet

ANTECH G3250 Series Wide Range Segmented Gamma Scanner (WR-SGS) Datasheet


Improved End-Point Prediction in Isothermal Calorimetry

Optional Subtitle!!!: ANTECH Model CP264-0420 (formerly P200) Isothermal Calorimeter.

J. A. Mason, N. Bainbridge and S. Guardini, Proceedings of 13th ESARDA Symposium on Safeguards and Nuclear Material Measurement, Avignon, France, May 1991.


CD285 Series Isothermal Calorimeter for 3013 sample cans