
Transportable Assay System for Reclassifying Transuranic Waste to Low Level Waste

WM2025 Conference, March 9 - 13 2025, Phoenix, Arizona, USA

J.A. Mason, A.C.N. Towner, H.R. Turner, N.A. Troughton, R. Gubinelli, M. Sadgrove Di Giovanni, F. Winter, M.J. Piotrowski, J. Ritter
WM2025 - 25549


Upgrading an Active Neutron Interrogation System at NRS Dounreay

WM2025 Conference, March 9 - 13 2025, Phoenix, Arizona, USA

A.C.N. Towner, K.J. Burke, M.R. Looman, J.A. Mason, H.R. Turner, N.A. Troughton, A.C. Lewis, M. Sadgrove Di Giovanni, M.J. Piotrowski, C. Graham, P. Mullarkey, P. Tait


Measurement and Analysis of Fuel Element Debris (FED) from Hinkley Point A Magnox Reactor

WM2025 Conference, March 9 - 13 2025, Phoenix, Arizona, USA

K.J. Burke, J.A. Mason, M.R. Looman, A.C.N. Towner, H.R. Turner, N.A. Troughton, A.C. Lewis, F. Winter, M.J. Piotrowski
WM2025 - 25559


Mobile Assay System for Laboratory Standard Characterisation of Waste Drums and Larger Waste Objects

WM2025 Conference, March 9 - 13, 2025, Phoenix, Arizona, USA

J.A. Mason, A.C.N Towner, H.R Turner, N.A. Troughton, R. Gubinelli, A.C Lewis
WM2025 - 25552


Reclassification of Legacy Wastes to Minimise Disposal Costs and Phantom Inventory – The UDASS Experience at LLWR

INMM Conference, May 22 - May 26 2023, Vienna, Austria

J.A. Mason, M. R. Looman, A.C.N. Towner, H.R. Turner, N.A. Troughton, A.C. Lewis, M.J. Piotrowski
INMM 23-A-494

CS.UDASS Measurement Services - LLWR.A4.1.0

Measurement of 1800 ILW/PCM drums at LLWR for Drum Recategorisation

Use of UDASS at LLWR for recategorisation of 1800 ILW/PCM drums


Reclassification of Intermediate Level Waste (ILW) Using the ANTECH UDASS

WM2023 Conference, February 26 - March 2, 2023, Phoenix, Arizona, USA

J. A. Mason, M.R. Looman, A.C.N. Towner, H.R. Turner, N.A. Troughton, A.C. Lewis, M.J. Piotrowski
WM23 - 23493


Design and Development of an Automated Instrument for Measuring Radioactivity in an Excavator Bucket

WM2016 Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, March 6–10, 2016

Robin Strange, John Mason, Chris Hannon, Nick Chambers, Lynn Cooper, Marc Looman, Lawrence Odell, Tom Jennings, David Maina, Antoine Libens and Michael West


Design and Testing of a Sensitive Heat-Flow Calorimeter for Measuring Radioactive Waste in 55-Gallon (US) Drums

WM2015 Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, March 15–19, 2015

John A. Mason, Charles Bonner, Kevin J. Burke, Lynn Foster, Lawrence V. Odell, James M. Pecos, Barry. M. Scott, Antony C. N. Towner, Michael J. West and Graeme H. Wood


Measurement Issues with Radioactive Waste Drums Containing Heterogeneous Matrices and Non-Uniform Activity Distributions

Proceedings of INMM15, Indian Wells, CA, USA, July 2015

J. A. Mason and M. R. Looman