The ANTECH Neutron Coincidence Collars (NCC) are used by safeguards inspectors to verify the fissile material content of fresh nuclear fuel assemblies
ANTECH Neutron Coincidence Collars include:
The ANTECH N2023-M and N2044 are high efficiency neutron detectors used for verifying all types of un-irradiated light-water reactor fuel and fuel assemblies, notably LEU fuel, Mixed Oxide (MOX) fuel, fuels containing burnable poisons such as gadolinium and other contemporary fuel and fuel assembly types. The N2023-M is used in Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) nuclear fuel assemblies, the N2044 is used in both Pressurised Water Reactors (PWR) and BWR fuel assemblies.
The N2023-M is similar in specification to the N2044. Both units employ the classic ‘collar’ geometry and are designed for non-active measurements. They are supplied with the following components: coincidence collar assembly, cadmium curtains, interrogation source holders, interconnection cables, cart and transportation cases.